Student Council-1920
Student Council
Let us all foster the winning formula of our SSC to make this school year efficient – all dreams taking flight.
Wisdom equals knowledge plus courage.
According to Jarod Kinz, you have to not only know what to do and when to do it, but you have to also be brave enough to follow through.
The Trailblazing Servant-Leaders, #Tagapasiugda 2021-2022!
Here are the Supreme Student Council Officers of Asian Internation School of Aeronautics and Technology – S.Y. 2021-2022.

Bachelor of Science in Aircraft Maintenance Technology, 3rd Year
Becoming the “Tagapasiugda” now:
Maximizing all of our full potential to advocate and build a community of well-informed, unified student bodies that I’ll be sharing the same vision – increasing our capacity of pursuing the mission of making this year of online learning fruitful for a more engaging, more motivated studentry. To be part of this organization will not only help me expand my horizon in building my social skills by imparting what I have cultivated from such capacity-building school activities and tasks but also helped me mobilize and realize my advocacy in reaching out people to help them become conscious of the present day reality, without being limited by the fear of not being heard and will later be ignored amidst all the efforts poured. Also, learning and absorbing diversified ideas from my fellow leaders and the student community in general will help me grow further in this field. Breaking barriers by opening newer perspectives that I have not yet discovered as a servant-leader on the previous administration, since leading takes a lot of innovating along the way to produce the best version of myself that I could, as well, offer for the constantly growing community I am with today. With all the current skills that I have consistently been developing, the understanding I have been fostering on the present challenges our institution had been dealing with, and the heart to serve organizations that will help marshal efficient flow of the entire school year – I am ready to serve the entire studentry, as well as letting all our collective efforts be my best opportunity in taking my vision to a greater height. We’ll be your voice! “kAISATkasama” niyo kami!

JAZEL ANNE J. AL-AG, Vice President for
Internal Affairs
Bachelor of Science in Aviation Electronics Technology, 2nd Year
Becoming the “Tagapasiugda” now:
I see myself as a devoted and deserving leader. Also, I want to serve my fellow co – students to make this school year a blast and fun. Moreover, I want to take this opportunity to enhance and grow myself and to share my cura personalis to everyone.

JERECHO RYANN S. BELHIDA, Vice President for External Affairs
Bachelor of Science in Aircraft Maintenance Technology, 2nd Year
Becoming the “Tagapasiugda” now:
I’ve always seen myself as a student leader since I was in elementary and being a student leader is similar to being a guide for me. You lead students along the right path so that they may face their endeavor with grit and pride. And it is an honor and a tremendous responsibility to be able to serve the student body, work in the office, and learn from my fellow SSC members. Although I admit that I was shocked by the adjustments last year, since everything is now done online, I wasn’t really able to put my position to good use. And it took some time for me to have a better understanding of myself in order to decide whether or not I should run for office this school year. I want to come back stronger and use my resources to serve my purpose. I should run for office next school year, but seeing how our other SSC members and our former president encourage us has convinced me that I should do it now. I always remind myself that every day is a learning process, and I am willing to acquire new knowledge in a variety of areas to use it not just for myself but for others as well. The appreciation I received last school year is more than enough to inspire me to run again this year. I will continue to use my voice to amplify the unheard voices of the students and to use it for a larger cause as long as one person believes in me.

Bachelor of Science in Aircraft Maintenance Technology, 3rd Year
Becoming the “Tagapasiugda” now:
Before I entered college, I made a promise to myself that I will focus only on my academics and no longer on any forms of extra-curricular, but when I was already in AISAT, I still have inside of me the urge of being a leader that is why I aspire to run as an officer if given an opportunity because I wanted to continue what I have started: Immersing myself with the student body, serving the role of being a “Student-leader”, inspiring and amplifying voices of the students. Fortunately, I was delighted when AISAT again opened its door for aspiring student-leaders, who have the heart to empower, to lead, and to serve for the S.Y. 2021-2022. Furthermore, I wanted to nurture my skills and capabilities as a student-leader because I believe that being a leader is not for the sake of popularity and just for personal benefits, as it also creates opportunity for other people, molds you to be a better person and to be the best version of yourself as an individual and as an effective leader — to be a great leader, is to be a great follower.

Bachelor of Science in Aircraft Maintenance Technology, 3rd Year
Becoming the “Tagapasiugda” now:
In this time of trials, every student is in need of someone to walk with through bumpy roads of life. To help our school strengthen the connection between students and the school is one of my goals why I took this trail. I want to be a passage upon which students would realize that AISAT is really the best.

Bachelor of Science in Aircraft Maintenance Technology, 4th Year
Becoming the “Tagapasiugda” now:
Being part of the highest governing body in an institution is a great experience. Since high school, I was part of it. It helped me grow, not just as a student-leader but a person. So now, I am running because I wanted to be part of the SSC again, for the last time. To extend my knowledge and abilities to the school, and to my fellow students. I know this is a huge decision for me since I am a graduating student which has a lot of things to do. But no one can stop a driven passion, and that is to serve and lead.

Bachelor of Science in Aircraft Maintenance Technology, 2nd Year
Becoming the “Tagapasiugda” now:
I want to hone my skills as a student leader as I was given the opportunity to refine myself through cultivating my best version with the entire AISAT community. Lastly, I want to serve and give back to the community of the institution with all my best.

JC Representative
Grade 12 – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Becoming the “Tagapasiugda” now:
With the pure intention of assisting and serving my fellow students and the school, it gives me a chance to foster my skills and further improve my platform of empowering the future. Moreover, I want to contribute my ideas with other leaders and the rest of the students. With this, we can help nurture the vision of
Asian International School of Aeronautics and Technology.
Office of the Student Affairs, Head
Sparking inspiration to the “Tagapasiugda” now:
I am blessed to have been allowed to guide our new set of student leaders. Who’s brave enough to take the challenge of empowering the whole AISAT community. Brave enough to take the responsibility of becoming a student leader amidst all the adversities that they are about to face. Who’s brave enough to amplify the voice of their fellow AISAT students, and I believe they are ready to take the responsibility to be of service to the whole AISAT community.
Events / Activities

- Social Media Awareness Seminar
- HIV/AIDS Symposium
- Leadership Training Program