By Justin John Dulogin
Does the discipline of an individual is shown through his looks? Or do looks determines their abilities? Most of the institutions, public or private they maybe impose specific disciplines and one of these is that they usually require students to have their complete uniform and part of it is following the “prescribed” haircut.
The required hair cut for men is an epitome of following the guidelines in which you have two options: to follow the rule and stay or be a delinquent and forget that you are part of the institution. However, not all the times the imposed rule is beneficial to all and sometimes it becomes the source of ridicule against other students. Most students have different reactions when they are stopped by the school’s guard for hair cut inspection. At some point, we would think that the “prescribed” hair cut policy does not violate any right nor any belief but the rule does not also consider the fact that having your preferred hair cut does not depreciate work ethics of a person. The haircut preference of a person or his appearance does not represent his abilities towards something and labeling people particularly men as “undisciplined” just because of wearing his preferred hairstyle is not a good meter stick for such judgment.
On the contrary, most schools can apply reasonable policy of dress and grooming for their scope. These are the wide standards that depend on the outlook of the institution; therefore, students and parents basically just agree first to enroll. When wearing the school’s uniform, it is a directive to comprehend that it will represent not just yourself but the institution as well.
How about you, does this issue matter to you? What is your stand ? Is it just for a lazy excuse or maybe a vanity to express someone’s self-individuality or is it just a simple policy?