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December 15, 2023

by Althea Nicole Leoncito


Even after the exhilaration of last month’s sports and games competitions in the AISATUNGGALIAN 2K23, the drive to excel remains in the Asian International School of Aeronautics and Technology (AISAT). In classrooms and laboratories, most students are researching, building, conducting experiments, projects, requirements, and assignments or completing them. They started spending meager hours in the library and lingering longer in school corridors; but how could they not, when the final exams for the first semester quickly approached?

The tremor vividly seeped as somebody set down a mug of coffee. As common as greetings are yawns and fatigue circulate and infiltrate between. But it is seasonal, if one knows how to confront it, just like athletes preparing for a big game.

In the world of sports, warm-ups are essential to prepare the body and mind for peak performance. Similarly, in our academic pursuits, the “warm-up” phase is crucial for success. Fatigue may be a constant companion, but with the right approach, we can overcome it.

According to Marianne L. Saberon-Abalayan of SunStar Publishing Inc., “Sports is still an important thing that schools should have in their program because it develops skill, mind, and discipline to make you healthy, and you will enjoy bonding with each other through it”, said Sports Development Division of the City Mayor’s Office (SDD-CMO) officer-in-charge Mikey Aportadera.

So, how can we excel even in the “warm-up” phase of our academic journey? It starts with self-awareness and self-care. Just as athletes listen to their bodies and follow a regimen to optimize their performance, we too must pay attention to our well-being, much like Davao City’s athletes who shattered records at the PNG and Batang Pinoy National Championships.

We must recognize when we need to take breaks, prioritize sleep, and nourish ourselves with healthy food and hydration. Whether it’s taking a short walk, practicing mindfulness, or simply enjoying a healthy snack, incorporating moments of self-care into our routine can make all the difference in how we show up in our academic pursuits. Moreover, we must cultivate habits that support our academic goals; setting realistic goals, managing our time effectively, and seeking support when needed. By breaking down our goals into manageable tasks and staying organized, we can minimize overwhelm and maximize productivity.

Furthermore, whether it’s reaching out to classmates for study sessions or seeking guidance from teachers and mentors, we don’t have to navigate alone. Building a support network and leaning on others for encouragement and advice can help us stay motivated and focused on our goals.

To warm up boils down to being aware of ourselves, taking care of ourselves, and staying disciplined. Seek our inner athlete —when we approach our prep with focus and determination, we can set ourselves up for success because it’s during this phase that we lay the foundation for greatness, forgetting butterflies when it counts the most, or maybe, facing our fears anyway.

It’s about those moments when we push through fatigue, when we choose persistence over procrastination, and when we find strength in vulnerability. Every late-night study session, every challenging assignment completed, and every obstacle overcome shapes us into stronger, more resilient individuals. After all, the journey to excellence begins with the first step, and each step forward, no matter how small, propels us closer to our aspirations.



Saberon-Abalayan, M. L. (n.d.). Biggest delegation: Davao City to send 529-member delegation to PNG, Batang Pinoy. SunStar Publishing Inc.