November 15, 2021
by Justin John Dulogin
Why aren’t people getting in shape for survival? For many decades, people have been subjected to a triple danger of comfort, which has caused them to slowly sink into an oozy and gelatinous sludge of weakness. The first is the stated reliance on, love of, and worship of labor-saving technology and gadgetry, as well as other related situations. The second factor is an inclination to consume calorie-dense junk food, which is readily available; the third factor is the decrease and social stigma of occupations and careers that genuinely demand physical exertion. The majority of us live lives that are exceedingly long and convenient, low impact, and low effort in comparison to others. We use a car to get around. Everything has been completed.
Everything has been prepared specifically for us. Even our recreation consists primarily of low- or no-effort activities, such as binge-watching movies, television shows, and internet content. The days of weekly or nightly bouts of vigorous play are over, and we’ve been replaced by even more looking at screens when we get home from a long day of staring at screens. With the rise in obesity, heart diseases, and joint difficulties, the rates of a legion of smaller ailments have also risen in tandem with this descent into disconnectedness. Honestly, who can blame them? Today’s civilization is characterized by unprecedented wealth, safety, entitlement, and security. You are not required to be physically fit in order to survive, let alone succeed, so long as the machine does not malfunction.
The prospect of inhumane has even persuaded some people to abandon social stigmas against being overweight, feeble, and useless. All that is required to get fit and powerful is a healthy diet and a continuous commitment to exercise. It’s finally over. The only thing you require is a strong sense of discipline. You certainly don’t require any additional motivation. Even though you should be motivated, it is not what propels the fitness train forwards.
The majority of people who go to the gym are simply wanting to bulk up for vanity reasons. However, we must always prioritize performance over appearances, with good looks serving as a pleasant bonus, and that’s just something you’re going to require. Still, this does not imply that they have the necessary speed, stamina, and adaptability to deal with large-scale or even small-scale events. Strength, stamina, flexibility, and speed are the four parts of survival fitness that we need to be trained on in order to achieve this. To do this, we will train on these four aspects – strength, stamina, flexibility, and speed. If you can make even minor improvements in any of these Big Four areas on a weekly basis, you will see a significant rise in your odds of survival in less than a year’s time.
Aim for 150 minutes of physical activity every week that gets your heart pumping and your blood flowing in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Yes, that is something you can do on workout sessions. However, brisk walking can also be done to obtain it. On top of that, it’s critical to perform activities that work all of your major muscles at least twice a week. In addition, attempt to undertake flexibility exercises two or three times each week to aid with your range of motion and flexibility. While 150 minutes may seem like a long time, you are not required to do it in one sitting. For example, you may go for a 10-minute walk around the block or spend 10 minutes cleaning the porch. It all adds up in the end. Getting up to 300 minutes or more of exercise per week will provide you with even more health benefits if you’re feeling particularly active. Nevertheless, a basic goal is to attempt to get in 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity on most days of the week as much as possible. It’s possible that you’ll be able to do so some weeks and not others. Keep in mind that this is a goal, not a rule. Make a decision based on what works for you.
Exercise is any activity that is organized in advance, such as aerobics classes, tai chi, spin classes, or swimming. Physical exercise is the way you “sneak” movement into your day, such as going for a stroll with your dog or doing yard work. Including both in your regimen will assist you in maintaining your health and living longer. However, you should always consult with your doctor before significantly increasing your physical activity.
You may try the following:
- Take a fast walk or jog to get your blood flowing.
- Bike around on a bicycle.
- Clean your house.
- Do or learn sports.
- Use stairs instead of escalators
It is difficult to determine which individuals are the most fit when dealing with this coronavirus. It is not always the case that the youngest, strongest, or most athletic persons will be the ones who will survive this coronavirus infection. The fittest are those who have the “correct” immune response, meaning they are able to remove an infection quickly and without causing excessive inflammation, which can be fatal in some cases.