You are currently viewing AISAT- Forger of Educators

August 30, 2023

by Mellisse Geisha Jamora


In this day and age, the Asian International School of Aeronautics and Technology (AISAT) is a continuously growing space of opportunities to gain and impart learnings, with its name escalating across different borders of our nation, carrying its well-deserved and hard-earned legacy: “The leading aviation school in Mindanao”. Due to its eminence, AISAT has opened its doors to myriads of freshmen whose dreams have been ignited by the limitless opportunities and effective learning system that will allow students to hone their skills and practice the actual tasks they are going to perform on the field. On the contrary, with the increasing number of AISAT learners, instructors are having difficulties handling multiple classes and the overwhelming number of students. For this reason, the school has welcomed knowledgeable and fresh graduate instructors who can help ensure that the students of AISAT will graduate not only with their minds filled with knowledge but also with experience.


Interviews were conducted with multiple freshly hired instructors for us to have a glimpse of their experiences, impressions, and transitions from their past occupations such as being a field worker or a student to becoming an aviation instructor. The first interviewee, Sir Ham Riche Mirafuentes, a batch 2020 graduate of AISAT and an Aircraft Maintenance Technology (AMT) instructor, stated that the adjustments he made during his first semester as an instructor involved cooperating with what was required of him. However, what greatly challenged him was his doubt about being an effective instructor for the students. Nonetheless, this knocking negativity did not falter his will to impart his learnings and meet progress in teaching. He adds:

“I chose AISAT as it is currently the leading aviation school in Mindanao and is slowly becoming a school of Lufthansa caliber in terms of education and equipment”.

This statement alone is proof of AISAT’s capability and qualifications, making it distinct from other aviation schools. As of the moment, his choice is to pursue teaching and even so, in 5-7 years, he would like to practice his expertise in the field. In addition, based on his experience, AISAT has a healthy teaching environment which has helped him build connections with other instructors. Furthermore, he has shared that it is very challenging to land a job in the aircraft maintenance industry here in the Philippines. In contrast, when applying abroad, what is important are complete documents. Lastly, Sir Mirafuentes stated with certain confidence that:

“In 10 years, I see myself as a highly skilled mechanic with an overwhelming knowledge of my field of work and be able to relay knowledge to aspiring aircraft mechanics in the future.”


Another newly hired instructor of AISAT is Sir Leonard Brendon Cadavas, who is a fresh graduate from Batch 2023, Bachelor of Science in Aviation Electronics Technology, and is also a product of AISAT. He is currently teaching the students in 1st year-aviation. Sir Cadavas said he did not encounter any major difficulties in his transition from a student to an instructor, for AISAT has been his second home for six years since he was just an aspirant. Although an instructor, Sir Cadavas, admits the challenge of facing the difficulties of the subjects he is teaching, as they involve topics which even as an instructor are very challenging to learn. However, with his great resolve to teach, this adversity is merely an advantage for him to learn more while teaching. Moreover, he shared that despite each course, being a graduate does not guarantee you a spot on the job. As a fresh graduate, it is inevitable to begin from the bottom of the ladder toward the job of your dreams. Additionally, he stated that his teachings can serve as his experience in molding his skills and broadening his learnings for him to be prepared for the field. Sir Cadavas’ final implication is:

“10 years is already a long time. As I am an instructor, my plan is to take my master’s and doctorate and, in the future, if my work is able to provide for me and my family, then I believe there is no reason for me to flip the page.”


The last interviewee, Sir Lourenz David Reyes, is also a graduate of AISAT with the course of Bachelor of Science in Aircraft Maintenance Technology. He expressed that his experience as a student in the aforementioned school is of great advantage in his adjustment towards an instructor. The desire to enhance his skills and knowledge regarding the course he had graduated from is the reason why AISAT is one of his major choices to work in, as he believes that it is one of the most competent schools in the Philippines. Still and all, if a greater opportunity arrives, he will not deprive himself of the chance to practice what he learned during his four years at AISAT. What he loves about AISAT, aside from its competency, is its non-toxic environment in the working area. With the approachable traits of his workmates, he had no problem building relationships and forging bonds within the faculty. With deep assessment, Sir Lourenz said with conviction, “In 10 years, I will be working in the field with a stable life and with a family, particularly two offspring.”


The Asian International School of Aeronautics and Technology has been a home for aspirants in the aviation industry for more than a decade. In this span of time, the school has produced competent graduates who have found work in the airports, and overseas, and some of them found themselves in the field of teaching. Being an instructor at AISAT may not be a first choice for most of aviation learners who aspire to work in the field. However, the environment of AISAT, where students are comfortably learning, making mistakes, and taking risks while being guided by capable and qualified instructors whom they trust, makes AISAT distinct from other universities. This reason is enough for graduates to enter AISAT, not just as a student but also as employees.